A Fiend is an individual who has applied for membership to the Guild through the required channels, has agreed to abide by the published Guild Policies and been welcomed into the Guild for a trial period during which time the Initiate will be evaluated for compatibility and integrity. Fiends have no obligation to stay with the Guild and may leave at any time. Fiends will not have access to the Guild Bank and may only apply with one character but may participate in all Guild events for which they are geared and eligible. A Fiend may be promoted by the Council to full membership upon recommendation by other General Members or Council Members. The rank of Fiend is that of an initiate. It is someone who is giving our guild a try. This rank allows both the guild and the player to decide if this guild is a good fit for them.
Benefits / Responsibilities:
- Guild Tabard (Let us know if you need one).
- Group with our guild members.
- Let us know you intend to join us.
- Complete the application for web site membership.
- Get to know our names and play styles.
- The process may take a minimum of one week.
The Fallen & Abomination
The Fallen are individuals who have successfully completed the Fiend Phase and have been approved for full membership by the Council. The Fallen will have full access to all Guild events and the Guild Bank general tabs in accordance with established withdrawal limits. Guild Alts are called the Abomination and they carry the same rank and responsibilities as the Fallen. The Fallen are members that have shown a strong contribution and commitment to the guild over time.
Benefits / Responsibilities: (inclusive of above)
- Expected to participate in keeping the guild bank economy healthy.
- Access to some Guild bank items.
- Can create and modify your own scheduled events in-game.
- Able to access guild bank funds for repairs.
- Expected to use these privileges responsibly for the betterment of the guild.
- The Fallen are required to have completed the web site application process.
- You get promoted to Fallen when you've gotten to know us, your personality blends well with the group, and it is clear that you are going to stick around. This might happen in a few days, but is usually a bit longer, perhaps months.
- To become one of the Fallen, a recommendation must be made on your behalf by at least two current Drudes (or higher). The recommendation will then be considered by the Dark Council.
Drudes are veteran members and essentially hold the same Guild rights as the Haradrim (advisers) without actually being advisers. Drudes consistently demonstrate their ability to lead by example as they are veteran guild members. Drudes are expected to support all guild members by sharing their knowledge as well as sharing their techniques to discover knowledge.
Benefits / Responsibilities: (inclusive of above)
- Expected to participate in keeping the guild bank economy healthy.
- Access to some Guild bank items.
- Can create and modify your own scheduled events in-game.
- Able to add/edit your public notes.
- Able to access guild bank funds for repairs.
- Able to change the MOTD in-game.
- Expected to recommend members for promotion when appropriate.
- Expected to use these privileges responsibly for the betterment of the guild.
- Become known for being kind, knowledgeable, helpful, and above all approachable.
- Show leadership when grouping with guild members.
- Show responsibility and superior commitment to your fellow guild members.
- Two Drudes (or higher) are needed to recommend a promotion to Drude. The recommendation will then be considered by the Dark Council.
The Haradrim are the adviser members and they are very active Guild Members who are dedicated WoW players, enjoy helping other players and are happy to help others with various aspects of game play and issue resolution. The Haradrim should play an active role in new member assessment and activities organization in conjunction with the appropriate Council Member. The Haradrim may be called upon by a Dark Council Member to act in an understudy position whereby the Haradrim would learn that role and be able to act in an assistant capacity or as an acting-Council Member in the event of an extended absence or vacancy of that position.
Benefits / Responsibilities: (inclusive of above)
- Expected to participate in keeping the guild bank economy healthy.
- Access to some Guild bank items.
- Can create and modify your own scheduled events in-game.
- Able to add/edit your public notes and officer notes.
- Access to the Adviser's Forum.
- Able to access guild bank funds for repairs.
- Able to change the MOTD in-game.
- Expected to recommend members for promotion when appropriate.
- Expected to use these privileges responsibly for the betterment of the guild.
- Become known for being kind, knowledgeable, helpful, and above all approachable.
- Show leadership when grouping with guild members.
- Show responsibility and superior commitment to your fellow guild members.
- Two Haradrim (or higher) are needed to recommend a promotion to Haradrim. The recommendation will then be considered by the Dark Council.
Profession Aides & Gatherers
Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Jewelcrafting, Tailoring, and Inscription will each have two Haradrim to serve as aides for the Guild.
Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning will each have four Haradrim to serve as Gatherers of these materials for the guild bank and the needs of the Guild.
Class Mentors
Druids, Hunters, Mages, Paladins, Priests, Rogues, Shaman, Warlocks, Warriors, and Deathknights will all have two Haradrim to serve as mentors for the Guild.
Raid Leaders and Loot Managers
There will be two Haradrim who will be Raid Leaders and two as Loot Managers. They will be recommended and appointed by the Raid Officer. The Loot Managers will report to the Raid Officer with details on each raid (which bosses were downed, who won the loot, what kind of loot dropped, which guildees participated etc.), and provide screenshots from the raids for the website, while the Raid Leaders will (of course) lead raids each week. Raid Leaders will lead a minimum of one raid per week and the Loot Managers will participate in a minimum of one raid per week as well (one for each Raid Leader and each Loot Manager).
Wraiths, as the guild's officers, are to be the representation of our guild's essence, inside and outside of the guild. More than the members of the guild, our behavior is a direct and lasting impression of the people that make up our guild. Wraiths are members of the Dark Council. All officers are held to Demoniac's high standards, and are not only expected to follow the code, but are expected to exemplify those attributes in a manner that others can see as well. All officers must be active participants in the guild and keep up with the forums on a weekly basis. As part of the Dark Council, they work to provide leadership, promote community development, and are responsible for the establishment and enforcement of Guild Policies. Each Council Member is assigned a specific title and role within the Guild; however, every member of the Council should be able and willing to assist the other Council Members and General Membership as needed.
The Dark Council consists of the following positions (excluding the Infernal):
Administrative Officer (AO) – The AO is responsible for presenting agendas and gathering data for Council meetings and recording the minutes of such. The AO will also serve as the Guild’s Treasurer and oversee the financial status and business of the Guild (i.e. subscriptions, web site fees, Ventrilo, etc.). Monthly financial reports shall be included when the previous meeting minutes are submitted to all Council Members. Expenditure of Guild funds must be preapproved by the Council. The AO is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Guild Bank. The AO will have a dedicated Auction House character which will be the tool used to place surplus items from the guild bank on the Auction House for sale. The AO is the only person that may sell items from the Guild Bank except in the circumstance that the AO is unavailable for an extended length of time in which case, the Council may appoint another Council Member to act as the AO on a temporary basis. The money gained will be placed back into the Guild bank for purchasing additional guild tabs and items which are necessary for raiding and other Guild events. The AO will work closely with Master Crafters and Gatherers (Advisers) and other Members to keep the Bank stocked with appropriate items.
Technical Officer (TO) - The TO is responsible for maintaining and overseeing the Guild website, Ventrilo and other social media outlets (facebook, twitter, etc.). The TO will assist the AO if it is necessary.
Membership Recruitment Officer (MRO) - The MRO is responsible for all matters pertaining to recruitment of new Guild Members and their ensuing education regarding Guild operations and expectations. This position is not just about Guild recruitment; it includes presenting the Guild’s overall image to the public in a positive way. The MRO will work closely with Advisor Members to ensure that new Members are made to feel welcome through a variety of means and events.
Mitigation Officer (MO) - The MO’s primary responsibility is to act as a mediator and help facilitate a conflict resolution when disagreements arise between Members of any rank or a Member and a non-member. The MO will gather information by meeting with involved parties in both a private and a group setting. In the instance where a consensual agreement cannot be reached, the matter will be brought before the Council for final resolution with all involved parties in attendance.
Raid Officer (RO) - The RO is responsible for overseeing raid events for the Guild. It is not required that the RO act as a Raid Leader, but will organize regular weekly events in which Members may participate and which will not conflict [when possible] with other Guild events. Schedules will be posted on the Guild’s web site Events section where Members may sign up. The RO will be responsible for posting fight strategy guides and videos on the Guild's web site. The RO will work closely with the Events Officer to coordinate activities. The RO will work closely with the Events Officer to coordinate activities. The RO will appoint two Raid Leaders and two Loot Managers from the veteran (Drude) membership.
Events Officer (EO) – The EO’s primary responsibility is to organize fun events in which Members may participate in order to gear up, level up, earn achievements and gain technical knowledge. The events need not be limited to established WoW events but may include parades, picture sessions and other events which will enhance the WoW experience as a Member of Demoniac. The EO will work closely with the Raid Officer when scheduling events.
Benefits / Responsibilities: (inclusive of above)
- Expected to participate in keeping the guild bank economy healthy.
- Full access to the Guild bank items as well as gold.
- Able to update the Guild bank tabs information.
- Can create and modify your own scheduled events in-game.
- Able to add/edit your public notes and officer notes.
- Access to the Officer's Forum and Officer's Chat in-game.
- Able to access guild bank funds for repairs.
- Able to change the MOTD in-game.
- Are required to act as GM once every six months.
- Able to promote or demote members and also remove members when necessary.
- Expected to enforce guild conduct rules when necessary.
- Expected to recommend members for promotion when appropriate.
- Expected to use these privileges responsibly for the betterment of the guild.
- Be an exemplairy contributing member. Group with guildies. Help folks out. Be a leader in groups. Chat in guild chat.
- Earn the guilds respect.
- The Dark Council can promote someone to Wraith, but only does so when there is a vacancy and with the majority of the existing Council's agreement.
- There are only 5 Wraith at one time.
The Infernal
The Infernal is the Guild Master and the Chair of Dark Council. The Infernal's votes hold no more or less weight that any other member of the Dark Council. The Infernal is responsible for the general oversight of the Guild. The GM conducts Council meetings, helps to coordinate tasks among the other Council Members, and fulfills other duties as needed and requested by the Council as a whole. The GM will take on one of the officer roles while it holds the position of GM as well. The rank of Infernal will not be limited to one person; it will be cycled through monthly by a different officer each month.
**Ranking information based partly on the ranks and responsibilities of the guild Quintessential of Dragonblight as well as the guild Pendragon of Proudmoore.
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